Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Essay 1 Possible Topics

1. Rob Lotito- Rob is a man that I coached football with last year in New Hampshire. A year before I met him he was diagnosed with cancer, he missed an entire football season but was able to make a full recovery. I believe he would make a great story and interview.

2. Joe Shebertes- Joe was a kid that I graduated with quiet a few family problems that he had to go through throughout his high school years. He by all means had all the reasons in the world to just give up and not want to go to college or anything, but he is now playing baseball at UMASS Boston and has made great strides. He is someone that I was not very close with during school, but has been someone that I have kept in contact with every once in a while.

3. George Swanson- George is a distant friend of the families who I rarely am in contact with, I only hear about him when something bad happens. He is 20 years old and has been arrested multiple times for DUI and has had a rough child hood going through divorce and living with a single mother. He had tough times in the past 3-4 years, but for the last year he has been going to AA meetings and has been working to straighten out his life. He has a great story and is good person who made mistakes.

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