I think that the things that are happening in Ferguson recently are just despicable. Taking everything out of the actual case between Darren Wilson and Michael Brown and just reacting to the chaos that occurred after the decision was made.
It is sad to me that many of the same people that are taunting the police, and slandering the police are the same people that will be begging for their help some day. I agree that racism is extremely alive right now, but so is ignorance. If people think the system is wrong and want the system to change, then they should become the police officers, judges and lawyers that are apart of the system. Do something to cause change, don't burn your own city to the ground. The same people that were saying that the police brutality was too much, and the police force was out in too much force when the first riots occurred in the summer, were the same people that were saying that the police don't care about Ferguson and were doing nothing about the chaos that ensued this week in Ferguson. The double standards need to stop. It is doing nothing but dividing this country even more.
The worst part about this whole case, chaos, whatever you want to call it. Is the fact that it makes people take sides. You cannot talk about this case without having a personal opinion about it. It is extremely hard to talk about this case without race coming up, because that is what this case has been turned into. It is sad that it has become that,
The most interesting thing to me about all of this was the difference in opinions that have come out afterwards. A Facebook post from the New Orleans Saints Benjamin Watson was a particularly moving piece and I thought that it should be shared.
Watson's post got national attention.